The most important thing you need for formatting a border background is a small transparent gif. You can download the one I use by right-clicking on this link and saving it to your hard drive: clear.gif. The theory behind this method is to imagine your page in two parts. One part being the patterned border and the other being the larger plain section where your content will go. To achieve this I use a really large table that covers the whole page. This is the basic code you need:

Inside the <!- Border Content -> <!- End Border Content -> section you will see the image tag for the transparent gif. By adjusting the width value you can make that column of the table larger and smaller until the page looks right. Any menu buttons can then be placed below it like this:

You can either chose not to add a border content as I have done or you can insert one, depends on your web design :). The rest of the contents of your page will go between
<!- Page Content -> and <!- End Page Content ->

Thats it! If you have any trouble please feel free to e-mail and I'll try to help you out!

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If you wish me to do some custom graphics, or just have a question or comment, please view the "Request" instructions then e-mail

Sailormoon/R/S/SS/Sailor Stars and all its characters are the sole creation of Naoko Takeuchi ©1992. All contents in this webpage relating to the original Sailormoon anime/manga has been published without the consent of the creator. Unless otherwise specified, everything else including original Moon Maniacs creations and pages belong to me, © 1997, 1998 Sailor Mom.